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[키워드 스피킹] 사회 관련 주제들

by B Diary 2022. 8. 5.

1. 연평도 포격 (20101222) - 출처: yunpyung.pdf

  • North Korea has started 80 rounds(발) of artillery shelling(포격) of Yeonpyeong island. 
  • North Korea and South Korea are still having maritime border issues(북방한계선/해상경계선) and the area is highly disputed(분쟁지역).
  • He currently lacks the power base to succeed his father. (정권 기반이 취약하다)
  • Most of the Yeongpyeong island civilians were evacuated from the island. (대피시키다)
  • South Korea is currently conducting a live-fire drill(실탄훈련). 
  • tension is escalating: 긴장이 고조되다


2. 4대강 사업 (20110103) - 출처: fourrivers.pdf

  • four rivers restoration project: 4대강 사업
  • irreversible impact(change) on ecology(wildlife)
  • dredge up mud from the river bed = deepen the river bed: 준설하다 (cf. dig up은 건조하고 딱딱한 흙, 모래를 파는 느낌인 데에 반해 dredge up은 진흙 등 축축한 물질을 퍼내는 의미)
  • The issue is becoming politicized. (정치 문제가 되고 있다)
  • The government is unilaterally pushing this project without researching and evaluating the total effects and consequences of the project. (일방적으로 밀어붙이다)


3. 성형열풍 (20110109) - 출처: plasticsurgery.pdf

  • the immense popularity of plastic surgery (=craze for, obsession): 열풍
  • If you take a casual stroll around the busy streets of downtown Seoul, you'll start to see a lot of plastic surgery clinics.
  • becoming anorexic(지나치게 마른; 애노랙식) due to excessive weight loss and having other eating disorders 
  • It is an unhealthy disguise for Korea's obsession with competition and discrimination
  • I have my eyes done: 쌍커풀 수술 했다. eye job, nose job (double eyelid X)
  • emphasis on (obsession with) physical appearance, craze for superficial beauty: 외모지상주의
  • don't fall a victim to commercialism: 상품화의 희생양이 되지 말라 
  • expression of one's individuality: 개성의 표현
  • look at it from a different angle: 다른 관점에서 살펴보다